SEM Philippines, SEO Consultant Philippines, SEO Philippines Consultant & Google Caffeine Going Live!

For the past few months, I never did dare to look at my site’s ranking on some keywords which I deem valuable in my practice as an SEO Philippines Consultant because I was practically so overwhelmed with a lot of “things to do”. Moreover, I was so busy to have tested a lot of “signals”  …

Page & site analysis tools CON link building tools

Try to check the health of your website. 1. Crawl Test – analyzes crawling issues of you website, if any. ( 2. Strongest pages on a domain ( 3. Check Indexed Pages by search engines ( 4. Check inclusion – validates if indexed by search engines ( 5. Find Domain Age ( 6. Check HTTP …

SEM Conference in Bicol – A success!

The SEMCON in Bicol initiated by Aquinas University was a huge success. The primary goal of the SEMCON in Bicol is to orient the students and IT professionals in the region about the importance of Social Media, Social Networks and Search Engine Marketing and to understand how the said topics can impact the current trends of marketing and interaction among online users worldwide. …