Search Opt Media Inc., a SEO Company in the Philippines was present during the first day of the 4th SEMCON 2010. I was happy that we finally gave it a go to attend the conference despite all the deliverables at hand.
I learned a lot on my one-one session with Jim Boykin and Chris Ellis during the poolside party con chitchat after the conference. You get to learn more when you do ask one-on-one these TOP Search Gurus in the industry. Amazingly, they were way too happy to tell their crafts and methods with no qualms at all. If I give a value on what I learned from them, I think that will be around $10,000 at least! Not a bad conversion goal right? =P
By the way, I shared my thoughts about the Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Key Take Away from SEMCON at Go check it out!

Nice Pics Pardz!